These wooden board games are handcrafted in the backwoods of Colorado. Great attention has been paid to the Ancient Future styling; a timeless aesthetic from the bygone age of elven magik. The gallery below documents the process from CAD conception, to harvesting the lumber, milling and painting. This work is perhaps riding the coat tails of a Makers Movement, driven by newfound digital fabrication methods. Without history we are however: blind. The Way in which this technology was applied is very unique in our current era. The designs are ripe with esoteric numbers and secret alignments, carved with perfect accuracy, elevating an otherwise standard board game to the realm of art. See for yourself.
I’m a cowboy but some of my ancestor were of elvish bloodlines. I live in rainbow country. Some say there’s portals in them hills. I go up there sometimes to look for em. If I’m not walking then I’m designing or building. I retrieve these timbers from across the valley. The people over there process them into rough-cuts with their milling equipment. Load’em up and Leave! I use some pretty high tech equipment. But the it’s still in the ancient tradition. Making Many Tiles Here’s a test piece from the R&D. These paints were custom formulations. The painting jigs are almost as beautiful as the pieces. I used to hand paint, but moved to stencils. The stencils produce a more consistent product. Here’s more R&D, finding the right paint. I built custom jigs for the painting process Here’s a computer simulation of the chit designs. I started using silicone molds to cast some of the parts. Reminiscent of the elvish ruins of ole. This is the workstation. A bunch of robber tests. Different sizes and colors. Here’s my grandfather whom many of the designs were lifted from. Handmade Wooden Board Game The Beast Herself. My CNC Router
Handmade Wooden Settlers of Catan Board

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Settlers of Catan Official Site
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